Sassy Sam's Samoyeds


Had a GREAT time at the Samoyed Club of America National Specialty in Greeley, CO on September 19th to the 25th.  Lots of fun with long time friends.

Hudson was the star of the Sassy Sams team by making all the cuts in Best of Breed until the end.  Hudson is co-owned by myself and Beth Kingdon.  Good friend Jim Maes stepped in and did an awsome job of showing him.

Tipsy was 3rd in her Sweepstakes class and was one of the last 6 in her Bred-by-exhibitor Class out of 42 entered.  She did fantastic!

Cabo got 4th in his American Bred Class and got a lot of good exposure to the show ring.  He has not been shown as much so was a little leery.

Harley was there too and did weight pull but was mainly there for health checks to get her CHIC.

Hudson, Cabo and Tipsy had a good time in FastCAT and between the three we had 6 qualifying runs towards their BCAT titles.

Hudson, Harley and Cabo did weight pull and did well considering this was their first time in harness.  All pulled 266 pounds.  We definately need to do some training before doing that again.